Debt Collection: Follow the rules
Unless you are paid immediately upon providing a service or product, your business will have to deal with late or unpaid accounts. You can hire a debt collection service or handle the problem yourself. The US Fair Debt Collections Act was initially meant to control the practices of debt collecting companies against consumers. However, over time some states have passed even more stringent laws which regulate anyone collecting debts.
The US Fair Debt Collections Act does not control Business-to-Business transactions.
If you are collecting money from individuals, do NOT:
Call at unreasonable hours
Add additional fees or interest that weren’t part of the original agreement
Purposely delay posting the payment to the customer’s account for the sake of adding more fees and interest
Confiscate property despite not having the legal authority to do so
Tell the debtor's employer or co-workers about the debt (if it’s a person and not a company)
Lie about how much the debtor owes
Pretend to be a lawyer to intimidate the debtor
Pretend you represent the government
Lie about whether or not you'll report the debt to the credit bureaus
Make false threats about suing the debtor, having them arrested or sending them to prison for non-payment
Information from:
Full text of the US Fair Debt Collections Act
Debt collection: Do's, Don'ts and sample letters