Using green business practices can save your business money....Taking green seriously can open up new markets and profitability. This report shows how small businesses can do both.
An Environmental Management System is a management tool to:
ISO 14001 is a set of international standards on what an environmental management system should contain. To be certified 14001 compliance, your business must develop an environmental management system, train your employees, and then be certified by an outsider that you have implemented your system.
The benefits to developing an ISO 14001 environmental management system include:
Free Implementation Guide for small and medium businesses
Global Environmental Management Initiative (GEMI) has developed a series of free tools to help businesses with environmental management. There is a Guided Discovery tool to help you find resources that can help your business. Click here to see these free tools.
Courtesy of Bay Area Green Business Program
Courtesy of Bay Area Green Business Program
Courtesy of Bay Area Green Business Program
Courtesy of Bay Area Green Business Program
The National Restaurant Association has created this website with conservation tips for every part of your restaurant. Visit
Courtesy of Bay Area Green Business Program
Courtesy of Bay Area Green Business Program