ISO 9000 is an international set of standards for quality management. In some industries, customers require that vendors be ISO 9000-compliant. In other industries, it is a competitive advantage. It is based on a cycle of planning, doing, checking, and acting. Participating businesses need to develop their ISO 9000 plan, train their workers, implement it and evaluate it. This must be confirmed by an outside auditor or evaluator.
Click here for a summary of the ISO-9000 program.The Baldrige Program is a public-private partnership that helps organizations achieve best-in-class levels of performance. Its research has created best management practices and assessment tools to help businesses. It also hosts the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award.
The Criteria for Performance Excellence for businesses is here.
Once you have reviewed the criteria, you can do a Self-Analysis Worksheet.
If you have been working on establishing best management practices, there is an assessment Are We Making Progress? here.
Videos showing resources within the Tools to help you move toward performance excellence
Working to achieve the Baldrige Criteria of Performance Excellence can be overwhelming, so we are developing a series of videos to break it down into simpler steps. The videos are generally 8 to 9 minutes long and describe resources within the Tools for Business that can be used to help you move towards the Baldrige standards of excellence. The idea is to take one or two of the concepts and apply them to your business so that you are continually moving closer to excellence.
We are still developing the series - and expect to create a new video each month. Here are the available videos.