Our Company/Clients

A Little Background

Two Visions - A Unique New Way to Help Small Businesses

Resources for Business Success has long roots. It grew out of Tools for Business Success, a company Kay Reynolds and Carolyn Usinger formed in 2007. Kay’s background in economic development and Carolyn’s experience in creating and gathering business resources combined in one company.

The Tools concept was to gather best-of-the-web, federal, state, and local resources and to bring those resources to local organizations. Our new approach was to have these links on pages customized to look like each client’s homepage.

The goal was for companies and potential entrepreneurs to believe that all the information was coming from the local client, not an outside source. This new approach to gathering and delivering business resources was, and is, unique, efficient, and builds the relationships between small businesses, potential entrepreneurs, and local organizations. The ultimate goals are stronger businesses and healthier economies.

This idea worked so well, that in just 6 years, well over 120 clients spread across 30 states subscribed to the service. Thousands of businesses were able to find resources to make their company more profitable.

In April 2017, Carolyn and Kay made the decision to divide The Tools clients, allowing each of them to go in slightly different directions. This process has been surprisingly smooth, primarily because both wanted to continue providing seamless service to the clients.

Kay Reynolds formed a new company, Resources & Tools for Business Success. She brought in a range of contractors with specialized skills to provide additional support and to make the new company immediately operational. The Resources is based on the information, links, and approaches tested in The Tools over 10 years and much more.

The Resources brings even more targeted information, more accessible tracking, better customer service, and a variety of layout options for our clients. The company’s top goal is for local business and prospective entrepreneurs to easily find the information and resources they need to be successful and for the local client to be seen as the source of that assistance and to get credit for making it happen.

With Help From Our Tech Team

Our Tech Team
Website Design, Game Design, Programming, Tracking, and Art